Trenching Accidents in the Construction Industry

The construction industry is a dangerous business and carries a high risk of serious injury and fatality for construction workers. Trenching accidents took the lives of 20 construction workers in 2016 alone. What makes this number even more concerning is the fact that trenching accidents are almost always preventable. Safety training and enforcement of safety…

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Bounce-House Injuries

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that over 80,000 children were injured in inflatable amusement structures between 2008 and 2013 with 90 percent of the reported injuries directly related to bounce houses. The Journal of Pediatrics recently confirmed these safety concerns when they reported that one child was injured every 46 seconds in a…

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Trampoline Accidents

Trampolines are a favorite activity of children, teens, and adults, and can be found in the backyards of many families across America. They are also notoriously dangerous and can cause serious permanent injury if the person jumping lands wrong. Other injuries occur when people fall off the trampoline or land on the springs or frame.…

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Legionnaire’s Disease in Hospitals and Nursing Homes

Patients go to hospitals, nursing homes, and other health care facilities to heal, but they may be putting themselves at risk in ways they do not anticipate.  Preventable diseases such as Legionnaires’ disease can be spread easily in hospitals and nursing homes, infecting patients who are already vulnerable. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

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Hotel Accidents Liability

Summer is high season for vacations and hotel stays. Although most hotels are well managed and inspected regularly, even the best hotels are susceptible to safety lapses that lead to accidents. Unfortunately for some guests, the most memorable part about their holiday is the injuries they received from a hotel accident. Hotels have many areas…

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Ferris Wheel Accidents

A recent Ferris wheel accident in Washington State has put the spotlight on carnival rides and safety. At the Rhododendron Festival in Port Townsend, two hours north of Seattle, passengers of the Phoenix Wheel Ferris wheel had a scary ride when one of the baskets flipped, ejecting the people inside. A seven-year old boy and…

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Fidget Spinners Contain Dangerous Amounts of Lead, Researcher Says

According to an environmental researcher, some fidget spinners contain dangerous amounts of lead. The woman who is an independent lead poisoning prevention advocate tested several various fidget spinners using an XRF instrument, which analyzes chemicals found in different substances. In total, she tested over 10 different spinners for the presence of lead and mercury. After…

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